So I have been looking around at various cool Fonts this week to try something new in drawing. Unfortunately i forgot to bring my sketch book to France, so i am going to need to go into the city and buy one .

(Here, foam is being cut out to hand-sized proportions to make a font, amazing, what people are creating these days.. ain't it?)
Uni is starting tomorrow, and neither me or my housemate Sarah have spoken any french.. We think we'r going to move into houses with french peoples, which should be just a lil' bit fun. *YAHOOO!*
We're at uni at the moment waiting to log onto our accounts at exactly 12 so that we can get the classes we want. It is seriously a bear fight to ensure that you get the classes you're applying for here. well, to them i say LET THE FIGHT BEGIN! We're ready with our macs. We're trying to get classes for wednesday and thursday so it's a two day week.. TRAVEL EUROPE HERE WE COME.
Libellés : fonts, Graphics, Strasbourg