I have decided to really start writing in my blog. So many of my friends in Australia ask how i am, i never have time to update them, so perhaps regularly writing on this blog is a good idea. Hello All *waves*
I have just come back from visiting Googs and Trace in London, with my parents also there. I did take quite a load over for them to take back to Australia for me: An overly large cardboard Box, a large sports back, a hiking pack, and two backpacks... I deceiving convinced dear Davidou to come and grab a coffee with me when i arrived in Paris. Little did he know that he would be having to help me cart me small country from one train station to another...
Whilst we were in London, we were lucky enough to get tickets to see Jersey Boys, the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. I have seen quite a few musicals in my lifetime.. i am getting old you see... and this was definitely in the top 3, no exaggeration. Go see it if ever possible. My mother insisted we go see it, and i thank her for it, fabulous, fabulous work Mr. Valli.
I am currently in the process of finishing off 7 exams in 2 days... over the next three weeks, i am going to have 13 exams all up. I feel as though after the first one is completed, the general burden of exams is sort of numbed... Today was the history of France in the form of song//La société Française à traverse la chanson, this history of French Spelling// L'histoire d'orthographe and of course, my favourite, Languages of the street//Langues de la Rue. I find them all sufficiently interesting, and after doing such a variety of subjects, i better understand why 'the french' have such a wide knowledge of all topics... they go to school from 8:30-5, beginning at the age of 4 or 5 years old... so it only makes sense.
This summer... My plans for this summer are still a lump of play-doh. I have nothing set in stone, and as it slowly approaches, i really am praying that God opens some sort of Door, but on a vague sort of topic, i will reccount some events that have occured over the past week.
Last week, i can honestly say that i experienced the most intense 4 emails in the space of 24hrs in my 22 years of life, or more specifically... of my 8079 days on this earth.
Let me give you a bit of background history for all of you avid readers of my life out there... (despite the extremely low average of happy chumps that sign into my blog every day wondering what is new in my life, i am going to do a short summary all the same) I have been stressing out just a tad about what i am going to do this summer. I am looking for any sort of job that will help ends meet until the end of september when i have previewed my scheduled flight home (i know you are all jumping in your seats in hearing this news, not...) I was throwing up the seaside town of Montpellier located in the south of france, staying in Stras, or anything else that happened to pop up... I had visited a small apartment that i quite liked in the heart of montpellier. I would be sharing with a french guy called Hadrien. He owned his own overhead projector for watching telly which is just the coolest, as well as several versions of guitar hero. When i went for a visit, i passed the AGAPE church in Montpellier, which made me smile, because even if i didn't get that apartment, I knew that the visit wasn't for nothing... I also have been scanning around the place for jobs...
So, when yanou sent me linkages last week for different jobs, I scanned through them with delight. A random collection, including a really, REALLY cool website, set up to host and feed students for free, (Sometimes a bit of money is even involved) for the return of helping out. Some of them are farms in the country, or castles in the mountains.
The link that most interested me though, was disneyland paris. Now, i myself have been to disney world in florida, USA, when i was in primary school, and i don't think a 10 year old could ask for anything cooler, so being given this experience to work here, couldn't be any ANY cooler.
Without a second thought, i signed up for the interviews in Strasbourg. Unfortunately, right afterwards, i read that interviews were to be held for Febuary 2011, for the casting for summer, July 2011. I was a little bit disheartened when i read this, but not to worry, God has a plan for everyone...
Alright, so the first email i received, was after being in contact with a guy from montpellier, wanting to rent a room in his apartment, as a coloc/housemate. I was a bit turned off when he told me he was 32, as i was looking for someone that has the same student lifestyle as me... but took more of an interest when he said the rent was on 300 euros a month. He then proceeded to ask what i wanted to do down in the south of france, and when i replied with something easy like a bar tender, he said that had a friend that could give me a job with flexible hours and quite a reasonable pay, i took interest straight away and he sent me the email. It started off well... Do you know how to use Skype, Gmail and Online chats? (YES!) Do you have an interest in people (Yes!) Are you bubbly and have a sense of humour? (Yes.) Do you want to be paid well (yes...) Can you hold a conversation (uhh i guess so) Can you keep eye contact (hmm, where is this going... and this is where it just starts going down hill) Can you fufill men's pleasures and fantasies ... and that is where I began to realise...
i had just been offered the job of a Call Girl.
I blocked that guy straight away, but if you yourself want to call "niko" on Téléphone : (+33) (or perhaps you can just prank call him, i would be happy with that as well.)
The second email was one a little more serious. A friend of Yann seemed to have found my blog by chance. I thought that all my feelings were finally finished. I thought the crying had stopped, i thought the pain had gone, but as soon as i opened that email, i realised they were buried under a few layers of forgetfulness, but they weren't really gone. She told me that she was out of the country when the accident happened, so she didn't find out about it unfortunately, until much, much later. She wanted to know details of the accident, and thought we shared a few things in common. She came from alsace. She told me that Yann had talked of me indirectly, that when she asked him if he was coming to visit, that he had to see someone before the summer was out, and it was strange that she found my blog. It is strange that he had talked to her about me, and just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. He is gone, forever. He will never see my house, or sit in my kitchen and look out sipping a tea, munching on a tim tam or two, nope. never.
I emailed her back, but she hasn't replied to me. I am not really sure if it was a practical joke, but i doubt it was. It would pain me if it was, what a horrible, horrible practical joke if it was.
The third email is probably the most hard to believe, and i am still in shock. The night before, I prayed that God would show me a sign for what he wanted me to do this summer. I also said that I would message Hadrien, and if God wanted me to be in Montpellier, or at least in Hadrien's apartment, he would make it happen... so i messaged him and told him i was still interested, that I was keen to live him this summer... but with no reply, i took it as a sign that i wasn't supposed to live with him... which i guess is a good thing, living on my own with one other guy...
Anyway, I have been wholeheartedly praying that i would be given some sort of path for this summer, so when i opened up this email, it was to my amazement that Disneyland Paris had sent me an interview for the coming Wednessday in Strasbourg. I was thoroughly over-the-moon, as it came out of nowhere, especially seeing as i thought i had completely missed the sign ups for february, as well as the fact that i did not even ATTEMPT to send in a cover letter with my CV, but i guess God works in mysterious ways.
I am sort-of getting nervous about this wednesday, but we will see...
The fourth and final email that i received was one from my mother, one of sadness and difficultly on Googs and Trace's part. I was informed that my nephew was no longer with us on this earth. My dad also called to let me know, and i could hear the sadness in his voice over the phone. I just wanted to be there to comfort him. Googs and Trace have been so strong over the past few months. As i see them, i know that God is working in their lives. I called them, and it was so encouraging to hear them say that the last few months were a gift and a blessing from God, that they were praying that God would take away little Jonathan's pain, and God answered that prayer. They are such witnesses, and i know that God would not give them more trials than they could handle, just like Job in the Old testament... I love them, even if a sea does seperate us, and I know that if they do choose to have another child, they will make such a great pair of parents. Any child of theirs will be a very blessed and God-fearing Child.
So, with that, i end the story of my 4 emails.
My beautiful nephew Jonathan Alan Hing passed away on the Thursday 5th May. I would like to tribute this song to him, i wanted to teach him all about music, but i know that he really has gone to a better place now, where he is going to learn things far better than his aunty's taste in music in the Bay City Rollers.
Hannah xx from www.sugarandspoon.com