Happy Mother's Day.
What better time of year to start a blog, than Mother's Day, I mean really.
Christmas is full Jesus and his Birthday [amen to that!], the constant reminder from the consumer world that we clearly do not have enough as it is in our 1st world countries, yaknowz.. , Red pom-pommed hats what have you... New year's day is too busy what with packing up all the Christmas decorations, and the annual Talk-Like-A-Pirate day, well that just speaks for itself, doesn't it. Let's not get started with that.
So Mother's Day it is.
Why make a blog though? well, Good question, seeing as I'm what.. 5 years to old at LEAST, to blog compared to all these new high-tech bloggers.. who are only 15.. or
13 `sighz.
-- Or the fact that i doubt anyone will even read my blog?
Well, I've been motivated. That's the simple answer.
All these awesome 13 year olds have convinced me to do something whilst my hip gun-ova-mother has not been able to convince me to do anything since i've been in Nappies. Yo' know, that's cool.
These young bloggers, spend their friday nights looking up what has become second nature to them.. that is 'surfing' the internet... cutting, pasting, making purrdy collagés.. and that makes sense.
They're underage.
They are at the stage of life to not be old enough to go out to over18 events [clearly] but are too young to be sitting around with their parents doing the crossword from that morning's paper.
So, still, the question remains, why now that i'm old enough to go out and party-hardy as they say.. do I want to stay home and blog.
wellll... IT'S JUST SO AWESOME... The pictures, the quirky comments, the websites.. and the did i mention the pictures?
Well, here are some of the people that have enabled me to see the light.
... you knows, cos' i is totes on first-name-basis with ALLL of these people.
and others.
Maybe giving these awesome blogs out to all you peeps is a bad idea due to the fact you may have just come across my blog par chance, and now that you see what blogs are actually meant to look like.. i'll be deserted by my viewer-ship of approximately 1.. and possibly a half.. that is either a hobbit or a dog. they equal a half, obviously.. Oh well, i trust you.
that'll do pig, that'll do.
over and out. x
ps. you should look at this link
Sorry, you probably hate me now.
Libellés : Bloggers
ps. im 26 :) does that make me a loser cause i choose to stay home and surf the internet instead of going out partying? haha. oh well, glad you love my blog.
Liss (im only a wanna be lily)