Woah. What-a-day. I tells you. I think i am still having troubles getting over Mother's day, cos you know, that's what it's like. All those parties.. and ragers. Another Mother's day gone.
Alright, so since being in the blogging world what..1 day? i think i have
dived in way too fast, way too quick. You know, too much in too little time? I have seen about 28 blogs (not that i'm counting)- clicking on one, and finding another, and afterwards, finding another. Well here's an interesting one à la
Iris. I'm sorry. I have a thing for young people.. but not in the way you're thinking. She's so hip for a 16yr old, but i guess that's how it is these days. 'maturing faster'.. they're all trendy. When I was 16, i was still under the impression "date" was only a dried fruit, and a dirty pirate was just that. A pirate that had been on a boat just a wee bit too long. Oh, how times have changed, right-right-right? (Did anyone get that reference to clockwork Orange just then?)
Nejat Talas, an amazing Turkish/Greek Photographer caught my eye today.
His models are amazing, and their poses even more so. He has a thing for big eyes, as do I.. and that model in photograph 2&4? WELL! She has "it". For years we've been calling it the "it" thing, but as to what is it? I still don't know. I just know She has It.
Check him out.

Speaking of which, her curls are what i aspire mine to be like. Unfortunately, as with most things, I am a complete n00b, and after receiving a straighter for christmas from my mo'dah, I have been tryin' to get 'right' the curl situation. If anyone has any tips please. Lemme know. I always either end up brulée'ing or straightening my hair.
Libellés : Bloggers, Photography
Nice blog babygirl x