So, Ladies, today I'm going to let you in on a little secret and tell you how to get 'in' with a man.
It's simple. ready?
Know a bit about gaming and computers. Most of the time, men have a hidden obsession about computers.. either that, or they're totally clueless, and in either case, they will be impressed you know something about computers.``Sigh of relief. There. I didn't think i'd be able to get through that secret without making my hands all clammy or running away with the computer.
Whether they choose to deny it or not, they all love computer games. All the time. That's why they're so terrible to talk to on MSN.. or the equivalent depending on what country you're in (AOL, ICQ.. etc etc...)
To them, it's called "LANNING". When i first heard it i thought.. hmm.. LAN.. that must mean 'losers and nigels' but no.. it means Local Area Network.. CRAZY! I knowz. They hook up their computers together and have a super crazy knock out of game playing.. OR.. with the hip-haps of technology these days, they simply just LAN over the internet..
Retro Gaming is in Girls.
Here's a bit of a backstory about Nintendo, the creatorz of today's Wii, and yesterday's now, retro games.
Nintendo founded in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, was Nintendo Koppai. Based in Kyoto, Nintendo's original product was hanafuda cards.

The cards gained popularity and Yamauchi soon had to hire assistants to keep up with demand. After Yamauchi retired, his son-in-law, Sekiryo Yamauchi, took over. He continued to run the company until 1949.
I love reading about Nintendo, as it is not only a pinnicle of gaming design,
but is a Japanese Company, and I am quite fond of Japanese Language and culture.
Here's a small timeline of their pre-technoz era.
The Colour Game Tv.
[How Ridiculously old school is this!]
The Nes Control
[See Below re: Mouse Vomit]

...& The Nes

The Famicon

He's still a gun at 54, heading the design Team for the Nintendo Wii
Anyway, what got me started on this in the first place, is a design from Mousevomit
which i thought brought out various aspects of the Nes quite well. Check him out, he also does photography and illustration.

The other reason that i brought up retro-gaming is that this morning i popped into class, and being a floater between second and third year at uni, i have little friends in my classes.. Mostly third years that took a year off last year, or are doing a double degree like myself.
Well.. that categorises my two friends who do this morning's subject, and with both of them not turning up today, I was in a pickle..
But wait! What's that?
There was a guy sitting there playing a Nintendo DS, and with the research i'd done for this post as well as the broad general knowledge i have for lanning, [ i'd started it yesterday and am actually finally posting on Wednesday night]... I could easily strike up a conversation.
That's right ladies. You do the talking.
... Don't get me wrong, there are only 15 people in our class as it is a design school, but being in this class for 10 weeks, i probably should have 'made friends' as such with more than 2 people in my class, but hey, i've always been known to be a late bloomer. BOOM.
``Anyway, we got onto the topic of retro gaming, and it turns out that he was totes into it. *BING
``He also was kinda kute with a k. *BING
``He was impressed at my knowledge of retro gaming. *BING
``He then proceeded to show me what game he was playing (A dolled-up version of Space Invaders. Does anyone remember that? Well I do. semi. But pretended to know more so for the aim of befriending someone. *BING
``He offered me to play a 'stage' for him. That's just a level.. or 'have a go'
Note: *BIG STEP FOR LANNERZ as they take a lot of pride in their games, and they being good at them. I guess by letting me havea go, he brought his average down by about 10 points, but hey, i'm a girl. Gimme some Slack.
..I had a friend for the rest of the class, and i even got a name. N---. *BING
total points from me: enough
So, I guess the moral to the story, or at least from that one scenario i have to prove to you, Retro gaming is totes in. I promise i'm not generalising.
Vague Much?
but no seriously, check it out. The design was so classy, and being japanese, it was ahead of time compared to any other company around at that stage.
So remember,
*Blogging is awesome
Alright. You're ready. You go get'em galz.
Sorry the post is so long! Granny is Angry and unimpressed.

Libellés : LAN, Product Design, Retro Gaming, Tips on Life
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you're really great