10 people to pass it on to.. wow. you've pretty much stolen everyone i know, so.. can i pass it back onto other people?
The Rules are:
1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each Blogger starts with 10 random facts/habits about themselves
3. If tagged, you must re-post and post the rules
4. Don't forget to leave a comment and tell them why they've been tagged.
10 random facts
1. I can never match socks for the life of me. The day i don't wear odd socks will be the day...
2.i like cheese and cake, but not cheese cake.
3.i have more than 100 hair ties next to my bed. each night i take one off, put it next to much bed, and the pile just keeps mounting. one day i'll make an artwork out of them.
4. although i am asian by decent, i am unable to use a rice cooker, am terrible with the language and hate chicken feet.. but do enjoy using chopsticks, talking fast and chinese new year.. so.. i can be thrown into a semi-generalised category.
5. i'm terrible at trivia. i can remember random facts, but when push comes to shove and the pressure is on, i cave. big time.
6.i have eaten macdonald's chips and their soft serve. together. admittedly it was quite nice. and yes. i would do it again.
7. A boy once told me chocolate wasn't good for dogs but they could have his milk. from that day onwards, i have fed my dog a bowl of milk each morning to avoid the little boy getting angry.
8. my bedside clocks are never on time. i have at least 3. I try to set them fast so that i can get to places on time. or wake up earlier than i plan to. it has never worked. I have done it for 5 years and counting. maybe this will be my lucky year. at the moment they are 7 minutes, 12 minutes and 3 minutes fast.
9. i started blogging less than a month ago, contradictory to what my profile says. I thought blogging was a form of walking at one stage in my life, apparently not. if this is walking, then this is the best darn exercise i have done in a long time.
10.i'm christian.
Libellés : blo'ward, Bloggers, LAN
and i always lose my hair ties T_T
keep right on blogging :) it's great for slim fingers !
also, I like cheese, and cake, and cheesecake.