I was at work today, and found out that on each computer, my blog looks different, so i spent about an hour today, changing things around cos they looked REALLY terrible on my work-computer. Little did i remember that back at home, my settings at home were also changing, so when i got back to my lovely mac at home, my screen was all wide-like, and i started to panic. I swear this will be the last time i rant about my bee-log lay-out.
I was wondering whether you'd be able to do a huge favour and tell me whether my blog looks like this on your computer...

or the photos are EXTRA LARGE, and the screen looks all tacky-like. if it's only my computer that it looks purdy on, i will totes change it, cos i know how tackiness can scare the fashionistas etc away, and we wouldnt want that now, would we.
You could even go a step further and send a screenshot (Mac users hold
SHIFT,APPLE and 3 all at the same time) (Windows,
PRINTSCREEN) and send it to my email athrynkay.inghay@gmail.com.. or attach it somehow.
I'll send the first 10 people that send me a screenshot, a Limited Addition JACK DANIELS Bumper sticker i found the other day at the local. WHHHEEE!!! It's the weekend, plans for the w/e, anyone? x
Libellés : LAN
I Love your new blog layout. The header is super cute.
Um, on my screen it's quite wide, and i have to scroll across a little bit. I'm using WIndows/Internet Explorer. Could be that?
And this week I plan to do homework. Rubbish, I know :(
did you want us to send screenshots to your email or something :S can do so if you want to.
You have a very delightful blog! I am glad I stumbled upon it : )
I wouldn't worry about it too much though!