je suis un bébé requin,
and this is a photo journal of a previous life.
vendredi 3 juillet 2009

I was at work today, and found out that on each computer, my blog looks different, so i spent about an hour today, changing things around cos they looked REALLY terrible on my work-computer. Little did i remember that back at home, my settings at home were also changing, so when i got back to my lovely mac at home, my screen was all wide-like, and i started to panic. I swear this will be the last time i rant about my bee-log lay-out.

I was wondering whether you'd be able to do a huge favour and tell me whether my blog looks like this on your computer...

or the photos are EXTRA LARGE, and the screen looks all tacky-like. if it's only my computer that it looks purdy on, i will totes change it, cos i know how tackiness can scare the fashionistas etc away, and we wouldnt want that now, would we.

You could even go a step further and send a screenshot (Mac users hold SHIFT,APPLE and 3 all at the same time) (Windows, PRINTSCREEN) and send it to my email or attach it somehow.

I'll send the first 10 people that send me a screenshot, a Limited Addition JACK DANIELS Bumper sticker i found the other day at the local.

WHHHEEE!!! It's the weekend, plans for the w/e, anyone? x

Libellés :

Anonymous Anonyme made virtual vomit ♥♥
Why, merci.
I Love your new blog layout. The header is super cute.
Um, on my screen it's quite wide, and i have to scroll across a little bit. I'm using WIndows/Internet Explorer. Could be that?
And this week I plan to do homework. Rubbish, I know :(

Blogger . made virtual vomit ♥♥
It looks fine on my computer. I use firefox. Have a great weekend!

Blogger ellie made virtual vomit ♥♥
You have a beautiful blog!

Blogger Hello Naka made virtual vomit ♥♥
im using fire fox and it looks great^^

Blogger adoanut made virtual vomit ♥♥
love the blog. just curious, who is the picture in your avatar by? the girl with the glasses :)

Blogger Diary of a Young Designer made virtual vomit ♥♥
I know, that happens sometimes mostly if its another browser like internet explorer. Love the layout btw.


Anonymous Anonyme made virtual vomit ♥♥
your blog looks fine, :) not tacky at all !!

did you want us to send screenshots to your email or something :S can do so if you want to.

Blogger Kait made virtual vomit ♥♥
My blog looks different on different computers in regards to my font size. It might just be how other computer screens are formatted and not your blog's fault at all. However on my computer all pictures are a perfect size and it's not too wide or wonky in some other way.

You have a very delightful blog! I am glad I stumbled upon it : )

Blogger Rosie Unknown made virtual vomit ♥♥
I'm using safari and it looks great.

Blogger catherine made virtual vomit ♥♥
oh thanx! i love your photography!!!

Blogger Tom Jones made virtual vomit ♥♥
It works fine on my windows Pc at work with a widescreen monitor. The only problems occur when I make Internet Explorer smaller & then the photos on the left escape out of the side banner.

I wouldn't worry about it too much though!

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