je suis un bébé requin,
and this is a photo journal of a previous life.
mercredi 1 juillet 2009
Laundry day.

Well earlier this week, a friend aka mad called and wanted to catch up. I've known her about 6 years, from French classes at the Alliance Française here in sunny Sydney. For 4 years, after school, we'd meet up once a week before our after-school-lessons and catch up.

She'd also told me that our 3rd as such, would be joining us aka jess. Mad's going to Prague for half a year, and so it was good to see what she was up to before she went. It's strange. None of us-3 went to school together, yet every so often we catch up, i am likely to say that i catch up with these girls more so than i do with my actual friends from school, great, huh? (tic-tac add, anyone?)

Anyway, i dressed up for the occasion, left my phone at home, and ended up turning up an hr early, as they'd msged me they changed the time and i totes didnt know.

anyway, how've you all been?

Note: 2 months of holidays. absolute bliss, but what should i spend it on?

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Blogger Diana made virtual vomit ♥♥
laundry photos are the best

Blogger Hello Naka made virtual vomit ♥♥
i love the shoes!!!!

Anonymous Anonyme made virtual vomit ♥♥
TWO months of holidays?! wow :)
your leggings and flats are so cool as well!! haha, and love the photo with your dog's paws there as well .

Blogger Meg made virtual vomit ♥♥
I think it's greatto keep in touch with people. And I like your shoes.

Blogger Lizzie made virtual vomit ♥♥
Yeah, toys from my childhood; they're teh best. It's okay, almost everyone else has forgotten about the Teletubbies, I'm sure. The only rarely come up in conversation or are revealed as someone's guilty pleasure. I don't actually talk from experience with that last bit. XD

Oh my, yes! I remember Furbies vividly. I had a hulking, battery-powered one that apparently you could command or "teach tricks" but I never could quite master it. I named it Kaka or something equally bizzare and left it to dust on my desk's hutch shelf.

You have nice photos, as well. I sjall come back, most certainly. :]

nice photos/

Blogger Emy Augustus made virtual vomit ♥♥
lol aw puppy paws!!! that's a interesting take on the usual feet shot.

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