Whilst listening to Strauss Jr Emperor Waltz on a late wednesday evening, i'd say it could even be breaking into thursday morning if you were lucky, i have come to realise a few things.
1. I will be in Sydney/(on the plane to) this time next week.
2. I have less than one week, that's 7 days, in the Bourg.
I have had so met so many friends in the past 2 years, 1 month and 18 days, and i don't want to leave. Every day has been such a memory, and i wish i was constantly up to date with uploading photos.
Today, the great love of my life, best friend, one of the girls that i currently share my utmost inner secrets with- so easily too, went to the
Museum of Contemporary Art (MoA) in Strasbourg after a late afternoon lunch at made in France. I felt like we were on the scene of Sex in the City, after no only did we bump into her Boyfriend, Phil, but 5 minutes following that, bumping (completely by accident too) into mine as well.
She asked if i had ever photo journaled in my life, and i said not that know of. So for the next few days, i am going to set out taking last shots of Strasbourg, and make them a series.
I feel like i am a strong tree growing at the moment, but my roots are soon to be ripped out from under me. Don't get me wrong, i love sydney, but i am not ready to go back yet, maybe i never will. I have emmersed myself in French Culture, and there is no doubt, going to be severe reverse culture shock when i get back.
Tears are forming in my eyes as a write this.
Is my whole world shattering before me?

Libellés : Personal, Strasbourg