je suis un bébé requin,
and this is a photo journal of a previous life.
mercredi 14 mars 2012
Summer Calls
Everyone has to take the leap at one point or another.

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mardi 13 mars 2012
Opening up the Suitcase

Just getting off the phone to Meow just then, after a well deserved several hour conversation, i am reminded of how blessed i have been to have her as such a great best friend for the past 6 months, even when i was made to lug overly heavy suitcases down the 6 flights of stairs without moaning.

I'll miss you beb.
samedi 10 mars 2012
Friday Nights
dimanche 4 mars 2012
The BULB setting?
Alright, so after 4 years i think i can officially ssay i have gotten the hang of the tv and av settings on my camera - no morre mr automatic for m sir! On the onctrary,vwhenever i try and go to manual, something always seems to stuff up, i panic, and i quickly swtich straight back to av o tv where i feel safe again... But, last week whilst wawlkin around the stras with a few girls who also enjoy sgrolling and taking photos, we came across the idea of BULB photography.

?When the grls started talking about this, my mouth failed me, i began to stutter, and My fingers began to tremble. The much dreaded BULB setting for many amateur photographers such as myself is a foreign land, much like the idea of eating fried snakes or stir fry grass hoppers...

But then, lowvand behold, Mr. Yanik and his great tutorial on bulb photography came to the rescue. I am going to test this out and see where i am lead.


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samedi 3 mars 2012
the great Adeline.
Trolling around on the internet in Hong Kong international airport, i came across this great photographer adeline mai. Her works are amazing, boasting creamy colours. She is a photographer that makes me want to practise my skills more and more.

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vendredi 2 mars 2012
La boule d'amour.
The longer i am away from you, the harder it becomes. As every second passes, the kilometres become further and further, the plane travels and glides through the sky; and my heart throbs a little bit more.

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jeudi 1 mars 2012
The stump; what was a living, thriving tree.
To my great friend yanou, i wrote today "Oh yanou, i just feel like my life has been ripped out from underneath me. I am going home to a place i dont want to... I have a life there, but i have been gone for so long that it is no longer mine."

Currently at Hong Kong airport waiting fo my flight to Sydney, my body is being taken over with mixed emotions. I love my parents so much, and they care for me more than i could ever imagine, that i dont want to dissapoint them. I want to go home because i know it will make them happy. But as i write these words, tears are slowly and quietly running down my cheeks, because i know that what i am going back to, is a life that is no longer mine.

The roots that i have grown are being unsettled, uprooted.

The ground around me is shaking, and the Loggers have come to see the best part to saw away at me. I know they will leave my bare stump, naked in the forest, and with the wood that they collect, there will be enough to carve a beautiful table. I will be sold to a family; rich, middle upper class, as a dining area to entertain friends, but that isn't where i want to be. I want to be in the forest with my friends. Quietly settled scattered among my other shrubby friends.

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