
So today, it was a queen's birthday. That's right- A queen. Not thee queen, residing in Today's England, but another queen from history... I'm not sure why they dont change her birthday on the calendar every time a new one comes into place. I guess it's a burden having to change the calendar every so often for it, as well as the confusing-ness of it all. alright, touché. You win government. Keep the Queen's birthday. I didn't want it changed anyway. ``humph.
Anyway, due to it being an important figure's birthday, and therefore being a public holiday (so why isn't my birthday a holiday you're asking furiously, i know, i was asking myself the same thing...) it was that time of month again to head to the
MCA for the
Yayoi Kusama exhibit.. It finished today, so what better day to go, right? anyway, it was special, seeing as i had to head into the city. Anything more than 20 minutes away is considered a special occasion, so you can imagine, that's a whole lot of special occasions.
here's my outfit for it..

Stockings`The Local
Shoes` Seattle Markets
Jacket` Vintage
necklace`handmade from Japanese 100yen store cupcake and laser-cut piece from friend.
and the laydee herself..

I actually think she's a bit creepy myself, but her works are amazing. They capture things with such detail, and she has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder so her pieces are all ... mindblowing.. Although when we went, one sentence on the walls read " No artists have ever Influenced me" now personally, i dont know how this could be, seeing as nothing is ever original, just borrowed.
Anyway, here are some of the shots from today..
Outside Central Station on the train.
Libellés : artist, Outfits
Re your comment: I just don't follow any blogs using blogger. I started reading blogs on my google reader long before I became a blogger myself, so I keep reading them there. Old habits die hard, I suppose. So, yeah, I don't have any idea if there's a button or something.
Love your tights.
& i love that jacket!!
hope see u in real life :D in London <3
btw..how 2 follow ur blog? is there any link ?
i love that cupcake necklace! bombdiggity!
So envious you got to take pictures the security was so uptight that day i guess i had to respect the art work.
Great to read another aussie blog better yet you are in Sydney!
And yes, I live in Paris... I have some Paris stuff on my blog already, but I'll start posting more in the future of course :) I'm sure you'll have a great time. Love Australia by the way... visited three times and I hope to go again next year.
Buuuuuuuut thanks for the kind words..
and WOAHHHHHHHH you're blog is rad! super =]
a) got colours
b) looks warm
c) looks textured and touchable
It would be mine
ur coats seems so snuggly :p
the cupcake is so snuggly :3
btw, i love ur outfit, the vintage jacket is so nice! and the art exhibition looks awesome <3 x
That exhibition looked amazing/like a lot of fun. Wish it came to Melbourne :)!