je suis un bébé requin,
and this is a photo journal of a previous life.
dimanche 26 juillet 2009
It's Christmas in July.
I'll be brief, a short catchup with you all. 

firstly, doin'?

next up..Sorry, it's winter holidays here, and we have therefore been given 2 months to do what we want with it. Unfortunately, it has come to the end of those two months, and i have achieved zilch.. although i have been to some pretty hectic events.. ie the snow for a week with friends and a week away with some friends from a few churches from around sydney.

Unfortunately after a month or so without the intranet i have completely forgotten how to spell and what have you and it's taken me about 10 minutes to write 5 lines, amazing, right?

anyway, here are a few more photos from what i guess you could say was the more constructive part of my holiday..

one afternoon, three friends as such went on an adventure..

a magical, mystery tour..

by land, sea and sky they travelled.

love stories and battles they saw

On the way, they picked up friends.

But one turned. Which one. They all knew. 
Never again can you be trusted. You decieved us for the last time.


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samedi 4 juillet 2009
Pirates in a Sea of Mess at Number 6.
There was a local Council Cleanup this week, and it was a completely new thing for our family.

It happens biannually, and we are away each time it happens. Now we've been living in the street for a good 20 years, so that's a mighty amount of junk we've accumulated over the years that we've needed to clean up.

It was quite embarrassing last weekend actually, when we stood back and admired our larger-than-most pile, as we compared it to that of our neighbours (A bucket on the left at Number 8, and 2 dining chairs and a pair of rollerskates at number 4.)

So, after putting it out, me and Miss Mdecided that we should make use of this beautiful mess, as Mraz would say.

The Pirates new album cover

We may not be able to see, but we can smell your fear.

On the prowl

I'll save you

Walk that plank.

We Will kill you.

Note: Number 4's roller-skates are RIDICULOUSLY 80's, and remind me of the film, La Boum. I yoinked them up, and am going to prepare a design to whack on them soon.

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vendredi 3 juillet 2009

I was at work today, and found out that on each computer, my blog looks different, so i spent about an hour today, changing things around cos they looked REALLY terrible on my work-computer. Little did i remember that back at home, my settings at home were also changing, so when i got back to my lovely mac at home, my screen was all wide-like, and i started to panic. I swear this will be the last time i rant about my bee-log lay-out.

I was wondering whether you'd be able to do a huge favour and tell me whether my blog looks like this on your computer...

or the photos are EXTRA LARGE, and the screen looks all tacky-like. if it's only my computer that it looks purdy on, i will totes change it, cos i know how tackiness can scare the fashionistas etc away, and we wouldnt want that now, would we.

You could even go a step further and send a screenshot (Mac users hold SHIFT,APPLE and 3 all at the same time) (Windows, PRINTSCREEN) and send it to my email or attach it somehow.

I'll send the first 10 people that send me a screenshot, a Limited Addition JACK DANIELS Bumper sticker i found the other day at the local.

WHHHEEE!!! It's the weekend, plans for the w/e, anyone? x

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mercredi 1 juillet 2009
Laundry day.

Well earlier this week, a friend aka mad called and wanted to catch up. I've known her about 6 years, from French classes at the Alliance Française here in sunny Sydney. For 4 years, after school, we'd meet up once a week before our after-school-lessons and catch up.

She'd also told me that our 3rd as such, would be joining us aka jess. Mad's going to Prague for half a year, and so it was good to see what she was up to before she went. It's strange. None of us-3 went to school together, yet every so often we catch up, i am likely to say that i catch up with these girls more so than i do with my actual friends from school, great, huh? (tic-tac add, anyone?)

Anyway, i dressed up for the occasion, left my phone at home, and ended up turning up an hr early, as they'd msged me they changed the time and i totes didnt know.

anyway, how've you all been?

Note: 2 months of holidays. absolute bliss, but what should i spend it on?

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