It's 6:33am here.
It's a wednesday.
The only thing that is different in Sydney is well.. the colour of the sky.
Our suburb's turned orange, and i'm not sure it's a good thing.

I'm not lying. Our town's gone poco-loco...
You can tell you very different me and my brother are. He woke me up about a 1/2 hr ago, to show me the sky.. and i thought wow, my first instinct was to document it.. i really do love photography.. yet he left, walked back to his room and came about about 2 minutes later commenting that the bureau or meteorology didn't have anything about the orange sky on their website.. i thought it was sort of nerdy.
Any sane person (clearly neither of s are sane, especially at 6:30 in the morning..) would have said oh, that's nice.. and gone back to bed.. yet i am here blogging about it. commitment i tells you.
Some (my parents) are saying it's a dust storm.. and they might just be right.. i mean.. my window was opened all night, and now all i can smell is dust, great huh.
here's a real journalist's cover of the matter.. and
here are some photos too.. hopefully tonight, i will have a video of the weather, able to show everyone when it started getting orange down here..
Perhaps it's the day of destruction...
although i shouldn't joke about things like that, but that's seriously what i thought when i woke up.
Hope you're all having a more swell time than here.. suffocating in a dust storm..
sorry this is no fashion post, but i just HAD to tell you.. couldn't leave you in the dark..
Libellés : sydney's orange dust, ze weather
hope u dun have a storm D:
Loving the spooky orange sky :P