je suis un bébé requin,
and this is a photo journal of a previous life.
samedi 5 décembre 2009
And i didnt think Japan could get anymore cute.
So i have been cybersurfing a lot this week, seeing as it is summer holidays, and i have had the work off for a few days *hurrah* and not only did i find the new love of my life in twilight (I know, how muchmore 13yearold could i get) ... although i'm not crazy like the girls at My life is twilight but i also found a completely and totally cool nail expo in Japan. It is a bit degrading 'cos the other day i got really excited that i painted my toes a "rasberry red" a la loreal, but these ladies, oh man. Have a looksie

A few months ago i also saw this amazing nailart on photobucket, and was looking for a good time to post it, and now the expo has come around, i dont think there could be a better time!

Sources: 1-7, 8
Happy Weekend babettes

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Blogger Hello Naka made virtual vomit ♥♥
i love the nails
i have a shaky hand T_T

I bought the tulle from my friend ash who used to be a textiles student too
I would try and look for a 2nd hand one since they can be expensive you can order them online ^^
I heard you can make a body cast of urself and use that as a tulle although it would be very messy.

also im 15 tehe but ppl normally think I'm older ^^

Anonymous Anonyme made virtual vomit ♥♥
WHOA, those nails are hectic?!!! lol at the super mario ones, never seen anything like it :D

Blogger Emy Augustus made virtual vomit ♥♥
wow crazy how people get so expressive with their nails.

Tiny little canvases eh? =D

Blogger -elle♡ made virtual vomit ♥♥
I THINK I FOUND MY NEW LOVE. these are freaking adorable

Blogger Amelia made virtual vomit ♥♥
Those are really cool, but they honestly kind of scare me, too. I'm not big on fake nails.

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